Saturday, November 11, 2006


"When God takes awaysomething from your hands, Don't think He is punishing you. But He is merely emptying Your hands to recieve something better.

Life is like a piano,the white keys representhappiness and black keys representsadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that black keys can make MUSIC too.

Forget the HARM that anyone has done to you. Forget the GOOD that you have done to others. This is the secret of peaceful life.

Life is full of surprises and fun…The fun starts with your birth and surprises continue till u make fun out of those suprises!!! Dictionary is the only place where death comes before life, success before work, but the best part is friends come before relatives, so be my friend now.............


Unknown said...

"LIFE is a different TEACHER! It doesn't teach lessons and then keep exams. It keeps the exam first, then teaches the lessons".

- B.R.Haran.

Krishnamurthi Balaji said...

Thank you Haran!